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- User Since
- Feb 12 2014, 10:04 AM (580 w, 15 h)
May 10 2016
I've had these issues as well. Though, I have an old 2.6 GHz AMD Athalon 64 X2 5000+ processor.
I have a very capable GPU and six gigs of ram as well. Win 7 64 bit OS
These micro lags happen every five to twenty minutes of play. They last about 3-5 seconds with a minor break in the stall and then stall again for 1 or 2 seconds until the game resumes.
During these periods I also clip through walls though luckily I take no fall damage.
This happened for me several times when spawning in with a Mosin. The first instance of the glitch game when I first switched back from experimental and joined a regular stable DAYZSA server. The Mosin would also make the loading and action noise almost a minute or two later that would scare the living shit out of me (haha)
These issues stopped when I started carrying an SKS.
My Mosin did have an M44 compensator on it, and was loaded. I did not try unloading and removing compenstator in relogs. Unpainted.