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- User Since
- Sep 24 2021, 9:02 AM (182 w, 5 d)
Jun 23 2022
Was this on official server ? I know this was happening on some modded servers.
Nov 8 2021
I wonder,if any of us while being shoot at said: "Ah,if only i had a marker to tell me where he is!",hmm probably. While you add this,could you also add a voiceover for character yelling "INFECTED!!" every time there is infected around,just to be sure if visuals and sounds are not enough?
And a blue hit marker on top when its raining,yeah thats a qol improvement right there.
Nov 6 2021
UI pop message "I am hit in shoulder,eye,head,big toe" or whatever maybe ?
Or,make "hits" visible under tab when you check inventory,i mean characters visuals are already there,use that to check where are you bleeding,or add some system for it. But having it all while you are being shot at,in battle is just,not good enough.
I don't like it, but, since some people like it,simply add an option in settings for Hit Markers On-Off.