The game can be critical of the position of objects in space, but allows you to place objects in various not very logical places.
I think this is a big problem. I think players should only be able to build things and place seedbeds where there is earth.
Unfortunately, I've seen bases placed on building roofs and overhangs that you can't physically get into legally.
There seems to be a flaw in the mechanics of building, as well as in the mechanics of digging up the ground, that allows the operation to take place in places where it should not be physically possible.
Bottom line: Players can create makeshift steps out of the excavated earth and place a base...let's say even on a building with an airplane. You don't have the ability to legally climb it, but this bug allows it.
I've also had to deal with building up all sorts of buildings. Walls and fences in police stations or wherever. I think this is a huge problem.
Players can easily block access to loot inside structures.
Also, you should be aware of the possibility of blocking water columns. This is a big problem for other players who do not have a lot of time to remove at least one lock or resources to destroy the fence or gate.
All of this I find unsportsmanlike and for that reason I see a need to fix it.
Construction in general is a problem for such games because it directly contradicts the concept of "survival", but if you plan to leave the construction in the game, it is worth at least make it qualitative. Tents were a good option and didn't pose as many problems.