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- User Since
- Nov 4 2015, 6:49 PM (488 w, 23 h)
May 11 2016
in previous builds the items would appear at the front of the building, but ive definitely lost a few items in this build that i couldnt find out the front, and sometimes by civilian cars in the street.
getting very poor fps in this update aswell, had to slaughter all my settings and turn off clouds/shadows and edit the render distance greatly in the config files, also did everything i could in nvidia control panel. windows 10 64 bit. running a new alienware 15 laptop, quad core i7 4710HQ processor, 8 GB ram and also running the external graphics amp with a 980 ti and still getting around 10 fps in towns.
happened again, this time with a cooking pot. playing on a server with only 20 ping, i can drink from the pot but he holds it as though theres nothing in his hands, relog seems to be the only thing thatll fix it. attached another pic.
added a pic with the gun stuck in hands and some notification in the bottom left, think it said cant complete action or so, when i tried drinking water or dropping the weapon.
had the same experience, except i couldnt even get the take option. also having an issue in general with the vicinity tab, some items i stand beside wont show in the tab, especially compasses and batteries.
had another issue this time with a deer.
same here, using the scorpion with extra mags
also happened when i placed a barrel against a tree, i could not open it or get it back but i could see it against the tree.
also had missing animations for the mosin and magnum. bullets just go straight into the gun instantly.
Had the same experience with the mosin, ADS at some zombies and the gun went invisible im my hands, could still fire the gun.