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- Aug 21 2013, 8:59 PM (602 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
@KillZone Kid
Easy problem to solve. You change the linearity of it.
In fact i have already explained above how you can have maximum braking force without choppy-ness if you are just slowing down a bit.
But looking at the voting it´s irrelevant when people downvote without really grasping how cars brake and basic physics around handbrakes and whatnot.
I could make 5 more tickets on unrealistic car dynamics but it seems people like unrealism. They want games dumbed down.
Been doing some more running with the SUV and i´ll be damned if it doesn´t slow down quicker from let´s say 150-120 the it does from 30-0.
It´s not the braking distance per say (although quite a few needs tweaking). It´s the braking force and how that is applied during braking.
Also the handbrake being a better brake then the actual disc brakes.
Take the ATV, roll at 15-20km/h and hit the brakes. Not handbrake just regular brake.
If you can´t see the problem then i can´t help you anymore.
this is why we can´t have nice things like realistic car dynamics...people just downvote without thinking and understanding.
Omfg....this is basic physics guys.
The people who downvote this can not possibly have a car or have possibly used the brakes properly once in their life.
This is the sort of thing that keeps the game dumbed down.
That´s friction coefficient you are talking about. But no, the effect is the same up in the air as well.
No problem, we are only human ;)
The great thing about this is that it should be an easy fix i think.
It´s fundamental physics this so it´s not so much about the aircraft itself.
"That's absolutely incorrect. You need flaps for both takeoff and landing. Lift and drag are proportional to the angle of the flaps, and as i mentioned before, higher flap "angle of attack" allows greater lift at lower airspeeds, allowing you to takeoff sooner."
No you are miss-understanding the point.
The most extreme flap angle is only used for landing, not for take off.
It´s there for landing, not taking off. Medium flap angle is for taking off.
You are absolutely right that it´s proportional, but you are completely disregarding that drag will overpower the lift because the drag will inhibit the plane to reach enough velocity to take off.
IT´s the same with F1 cars where eventually the downforce becomes so much that drag will disallow the car to hit it´s top speed it´s geared for.
Imagine a graph, vertical is lift, horizontal is speed.
The line can´t split itself so you need to choose what you want, with maximum flaps you go up the graph, with lowest you go horizontal.
Middle is a perfect ratio of taking off while maintaining enough speed to actually lift off the ground.
Yea that´s another thing, when in flight, changing flap settings has no effect on drag at all.
In fact i think i registered some increase in speed with the most extreme setting.
Should be easy to just switch it around and maybe make the most extreme setting more powerful so it actually starts to slow the plane down while in flight.
Speed is solely controlled through X and Z right now.
Someone made said this above,
"FROM A GAMEPLAY ASPECT the breathing sound is used as a measure of how fatigued your character is"
We don´t want to abolish it, just TONE IT DOWN A BIT. Unless you have hearing problems you will hear the guy being tired just fine.
It doesn´t have to be louder then gunshots.