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- User Since
- Dec 24 2013, 11:10 AM (586 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Happening to me as well
After not playing for awhile, I got the dayz itch again and started playing on Friday. On Sunday 08/17 the same bug started occurring to me. It does seem to be coming from battle eye cause I notice a lot of time out messages followed by kicks to other players in the server messages, more so than usual. I also had a sniper mosin character get wiped to it on Monday. My client doesn't crash per say but it does have an extremely long freeze/pause occurring after I click on the prompt to go back to the server list. SUPER annoying and unplayable for me right now.
May 10 2016
The one in the swamp by Komarovo isn't spawning anything either last time I checked.
so I take it you guys like spawning in solnich all the time?
also deewd22, you do realize the map displays current military sites already implemented in the game right?
You loot for 3 hours?...Good lord. I soon as I get my hand on a m4 and a couple magazines I'm done. Quit being such an item whore. You don't need every slot full and all the bells and whistles to play.
food, drink, gun, ammo.
this has been happening to me for 2 days now