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- User Since
- Mar 4 2023, 9:13 PM (101 w, 6 d)
Apr 27 2024
Nov 29 2023
tip: use 1pp+zoom+crouch/prone.
then you can read the display.
Nov 26 2023
use the zoom in 1pp to make the coordinates visible on the screen
use zoom in 1pp and look onto the display of the GPS to make the coordinates visible. ;-)
Nov 9 2023
Hello Geez, is this issue still scheduled for a fix?
It's similar for all placeable objects. (tents, barrels, campfires, construction kits etc.) making underground stashes, crates or shelters for example very vulnerable to everybody who knows.
For Pristine ones: no.
You can digout&burry 8 stashes with them
(16 usages overall) until ruined.
But if you have bad luck and you loot a demolished one:
only 4 usages until it's ruined. (pristine+4=used+4=damaged+4=demolished+4=ruined). So, in fact, you can dig out and burry again only 2! Not 3! Stashes with a fresh looted, but demolished, shovel.
Still an issue with your intention.
Please adjust the weight of the regular shovel then, too. It has 6kg in game now. It should be ~2kg max instead. (compare it with the actual weight of the pickaxe in game). Especially under the aspect that we can't repair the shovel with a wettingstone, like the pickaxe or farming hoe, it should be significantly lighter and/or more efficient to balance it.
the normal shovel should be repairable with a wettingstone too, of course.
Or instead, make it more efficient.
Mar 4 2023
same on Playstation(PS5).: