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User Since
Apr 6 2015, 3:21 PM (512 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

ReKoNe set Category to category:environment on T112527: I have not found a thing.
May 11 2016, 6:28 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe set Category to category:featurerequest on T112526: Being able to use weapons as passenger in a V3S.
May 11 2016, 6:28 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe set Category to category:featurerequest on T112458: Being able to use the inventory as passenger in a V3S.
May 11 2016, 6:26 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe set Category to category:featurerequest on T112459: Add horn to V3S.
May 11 2016, 6:26 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe edited Steps To Reproduce on T110651: Infinite rags with 2 rags.
May 11 2016, 5:26 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe added a comment to T109922: Server spawning way less loot than other servers no matter the amount of players..

So finally, Fragnet allowed private servers to turn the persistence off which had been done on Oldschool today. The fact is : it didn't worked ! Still nothing to loot. GG Bohemia, this update is the worst ever !!!

I agree with Paper26 on his last words and don't understand (from a developer viewpoint) how you are able to push broken behaviors or unfinished systems onto the stable branch. It should never go on a production branch. Cherry pick what is working fine and keep these bugs onto your development branch !!! You knew the loot-system wasn't ready to go onto the stable branch as it was buggued onto experimental, so why did you choose to do it anyway ?? Best flop ever ! I am gonna play another game waiting for improvments !

May 11 2016, 5:02 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe added a comment to T109922: Server spawning way less loot than other servers no matter the amount of players..

Nothing to loot since the last update... Spamming the trees to get apples is not a way to survive

May 11 2016, 5:02 AM · DayZ
ReKoNe added a comment to T108200: Zoom in vechile as a passenger.

I am now able to zoom as a passenger using +/- key but it's not working with right click though

May 11 2016, 4:02 AM · DayZ