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- User Since
- Mar 14 2014, 10:20 PM (573 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T78529: Make dry clothes wet, if you swim or dive, or just stand in water..
Ramin1311 added a comment to T76529: Crossroads as playable character.
Yes, I mean the Colonel from the campaign. Thank you.
Ramin1311 added a comment to T76529: Crossroads as playable character.
In the editor you can place the player as a character of the campaign (for example
Northgate or James). Crossroads appears in the Campaign as a character, it would be nice, if you could play him in the editor too.
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76529: Crossroads as playable character.
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76317: Rank of General and a playable Character as General.
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76266: Attack Helicopter AAF.
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76247: Red Stripes of other charaters.
Ramin1311 added a comment to T76244: A-10 to be replaced by F-35: US.
Nooo, the A10-A is perfect!
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76228: Jumping in Arma 3.
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76220: Heal Error.
Ramin1311 added a comment to T76219: Flicker of my screen.
I did one with my Iphone, you can't see the flicker. It only appears in vehicles.
Ramin1311 added a comment to T76219: Flicker of my screen.
Nope, my screen flickers always if I enter vehicles....the cause is the graphic engine of arma 3. I have 2 GTX 780 SLI. If i select only 1 GTX 780 then, there's no flicker.
Ramin1311 edited Steps To Reproduce on T76219: Flicker of my screen.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Ramin1311 added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.
I got a 4000 dollar gaming PC :
I7 4930k
2 GTX 780 SLI
256 GB SSD / 1 TB HDD