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- User Since
- Dec 23 2013, 7:59 PM (586 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Raith added a comment to T89451: Balconies on condo towers don't clip..
Same thing happened to me. Not sure if it is all the balcony rails or just some, but I walked right through it and fell to my death.
Raith added a comment to T88381: Color not coming back after regenerating blood back from blood loss.
This happened to me when I was knocked unconscious. When my friend brought me back I saw grey. I lived with that character for over 10 hours of gameplay afterwards always making sure my food and water were full. I never recovered the ability to see colour.
Raith added a comment to T87575: Characters "taking damage"-sound gets caught in a loop.
Same thing happened to me. I assumed maybe it was pain related. I consumed over 50% of painkiller pills and it did not fix the issue.