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- User Since
- Aug 14 2013, 1:46 PM (603 w, 4 d)
May 4 2017
May 4 2017
RabidSquirell added a comment to T86065: hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] is not working for Weapons.
Hi there,
Dec 1 2016
Dec 1 2016
RabidSquirell added a comment to T84753: Hidden Selections for the 4-five.
Hi there,
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
RabidSquirell set Category to category:gamephysics on T81374: Unable to Destroy Hoops on Basketball Court.
RabidSquirell edited Steps To Reproduce on T80640: Strange Texture on the CSAT LBV Harness.
RabidSquirell edited Steps To Reproduce on T73435: Floating Bushes North Eastern Forest.
RabidSquirell edited Steps To Reproduce on T73082: Addition of the V-22 Osprey and or Chinook (Or a varient for 2035).
RabidSquirell added a comment to T71731: Bluefor Recon Medic sometimes get stuck after treating teammates.
Hey it seems to have stopped on full release of the game. Thanks for looking into it anyway.
RabidSquirell edited Steps To Reproduce on T71731: Bluefor Recon Medic sometimes get stuck after treating teammates.
RabidSquirell added a comment to T71119: Make helicopter Crashes more realistic / not always exploding.
Yeah I do see, hopefully they can change this in the next ArmA or possibly in the future in ArmA 3, but I see it's gonna take a lot of work and they probably wont have time for it. But it should definitely be on their to do list for the future.
Awesome well now I have an answer.
RabidSquirell added a comment to T71119: Make helicopter Crashes more realistic / not always exploding.
Yeah I get what you are saying, but realistically you wouldn't get this ^ (First photo uploaded above), you would get this ^ (Second photo uploaded above)
RabidSquirell edited Steps To Reproduce on T71118: Tripwires on Explosives do not detonate inside buildings..
RabidSquirell edited Steps To Reproduce on T71119: Make helicopter Crashes more realistic / not always exploding.