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Quillbeatssword (James)


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User Since
Dec 19 2021, 1:04 PM (170 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 22 2021

Quillbeatssword added a comment to T158027: [FEEDBACK] 1.12 gunshot audio range adjustments are terrible.

No offense to you "experts" giving input on the sound changes in the last two updates (1.12 & 1.13). I'm here to tell you that 3.5km (2 miles) you aren't hearing even a .50 Cal machine gun or hand grenade. Even at 1800 meters (on open terrain) a MK19 Fully Automated grenade launcher sounds lower than a firecracker. I'm giving you this input from first hand experience multiple times in actual practice. So all your negative input about wanting to hear a gun shot across two miles of mountains, trees, and cities is the most unrealistic thing anyone who's ever actually shot weapons extensively could imagine. Trees deaden and absorb sound by changing and filtering it's direction. Cities absorb and deaden sound by trapping it and bouncing it off the walls until the sound waves die out. Mountains absorb and deflect sound even.
The only way you're hearing a large caliber shot at a mile or more is if it's nothing but flat, open, sparse landscape.

As someone who's had the first hand real world experience, I fully support the change of sound in DayZ. I think it's far more accurate and realistic now than it ever was before.

Dec 22 2021, 10:34 AM · DayZ

Dec 19 2021

Quillbeatssword created T162414: Loot bug..
Dec 19 2021, 1:15 PM · DayZ PlayStation
Quillbeatssword created T162413: Loot glitch .
Dec 19 2021, 1:13 PM · DayZ