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User Details
- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 2:06 PM (584 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Qauntum edited Steps To Reproduce on T105360: Game closes immediately after launching when joining a server through steam..
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Qauntum added a comment to T101238: Painting CZ 527 magazine glitch.
"M_cz527_5rnd" extends "M_akm_30Rnd"
So works for the recipe "RepaintM_akm_30Rnd"
Qauntum set Category to category:items on T99412: Script to determine probability for a fireplace to light is broken.
Qauntum added a comment to T99331: dayz interface problems.
There are people reporting, on the DayZ subreddit, and in the steam community chat, that the resolution list is only showing 640x480.
A workaround seems to be to switch the game to windowed mode by pressing Alt+Enter, all resolution options then show up in the drop down.
Alternately, setting the resolution manually in DayZ.cfg works too.