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Game closes immediately after launching when joining a server through steam.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When launching the game by

connecting to a friend through the steam friend list,
connecting to a server using steams server browser,
or connecting using a steam://connect/serverip link,

the game process is created, but closes before a game window is opened.

No .rpt, .bidmp or .mdmp files are created.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Launch the game in some way which will automatically connect to a server, "Join Server" from Friend list / profile page, server browser, steam://connect URL, etc.

Steam will open its "Preparing to launch DayZ" window, and a DayZ process will be created.

No game window will be created, and the process will end.

Event Timeline

Qauntum edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 18 2014, 2:40 PM
Qauntum set Category to Game Crash.
Qauntum set Reproducibility to Always.
Qauntum set Severity to None.
Qauntum set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
Qauntum set Legacy ID to 591807883.May 8 2016, 8:38 PM
Qauntum edited a custom field.

Hello Qauntum,

Thanks for sending in your feedback on this issue. Unfortunately, since it's not possible to reproduce on our end in the latest internal build (and thus we can't file any reports on it) I'll close the ticket.
