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- User Since
- Mar 31 2013, 1:12 PM (623 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Pylsomatic2k edited Steps To Reproduce on T64903: The cricket like insects are too loud.
Pylsomatic2k added a comment to T64903: The cricket like insects are too loud.
Has anybody else experienced these sounds to be way too loud relative to other sounds ingame? Turning down ambience didn't help much.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Pylsomatic2k added a comment to T62030: Terrible sound immersion.
Weapon sounds are good though, but add a delay (speed of sound) on it so muzzle flash and gun fire don't appear at the same time while observing from far away.
Pylsomatic2k added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.
Please add this! Atleast from APCs with windows for firing from the inside.
It would also be neat to fire from the back of say a pickup (makeshift hit and run RPG teams to take out armored targets).