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- User Since
- May 11 2015, 3:13 PM (509 w, 6 d)
Apr 23 2017
Apr 23 2017
PumpkinDE added a comment to T124299: Group leader sprints to first waypoint if all group members die.
I can reproduce this, but it happens only if the groupsize is greater than 3.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
PumpkinDE edited Steps To Reproduce on T82776: If you remove a Backpack from a box via clearBackpackCargo, it still takes some space inside the box..
PumpkinDE added a comment to T82775: If you remove a Backpack from a box via clearBackpackCargo, it still takes some space inside the box..
Yes, makes no difference
PumpkinDE edited Steps To Reproduce on T82775: If you remove a Backpack from a box via clearBackpackCargo, it still takes some space inside the box..
PumpkinDE added a comment to T82505: Selecting items in RscListBox wont work as expected when ListBox is created with ctrlCreate.
I can confirm that. I tried the same and i only able to select the 1# to 6# entry without scrolling. 7# to x# are not selectable until scrolling it up.