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User Since
Jan 8 2014, 10:34 PM (585 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

PsyKoPeeR added a comment to T94501: Spawning dead and respawn isnt working.

deleting the file didn't worked for me the second time I died... It was on the same server though... So your solution it's not always working but it worked.

May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
PsyKoPeeR added a comment to T94501: Spawning dead and respawn isnt working.

hehe, that will make you more nervous about dying again, I promise ;)

May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
PsyKoPeeR added a comment to T94501: Spawning dead and respawn isnt working.

update doesn't fix anything... LOL unless it's the servers not yet updated but they seems to be. Just tried my favorites.

May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
PsyKoPeeR added a comment to T94501: Spawning dead and respawn isnt working.

HEY!! 177 MB update this morning: This update was released to Stable as a critical update outside of our scheduled maintenance period. This was because of a serious issue with the connection logic that could trap some players in the "dead" state. There was also a critical bug with looting other players inventory. These have been fixed.

May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
PsyKoPeeR added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

HEY!! 177 MB update this morning: This update was released to Stable as a critical update outside of our scheduled maintenance period. This was because of a serious issue with the connection logic that could trap some players in the "dead" state. There was also a critical bug with looting other players inventory. These have been fixed.

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
PsyKoPeeR added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

update doesn't fix anything... LOL unless it's the servers not yet updated but they seems to be. Just tried my favorites.

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ