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- User Since
- Aug 28 2014, 8:16 PM (549 w, 5 d)
Dec 7 2016
Dec 7 2016
Pluxar renamed T121916: [exp] Possible crash cause after loading a mag from a dead player from [exp][Possible crash cause after loading a mag from a dead player to [exp] Possible crash cause after loading a mag from a dead player.
Pluxar updated the task description for T121916: [exp] Possible crash cause after loading a mag from a dead player.
Nov 4 2016
Nov 4 2016
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Pluxar added a comment to T114795: 0.59 patch #2 - .308 Winchester Ammo does not fit in the blaze.
You probably already have .308 in the blaze, right click and click eject.
Pluxar set Category to category:items on T114787: Trip wire w/ attached grenade doesn't work [exp].
Pluxar set Category to category:weapons on T114745: Red 9 and buttstock can be attached to gun holster [EXP].
Pluxar set Category to category:items on T114742: Kashtan scope graphical bug [EXP].
Pluxar edited Steps To Reproduce on T114728: Holding a barrel with holes poked into it reverts back to the old animation of holding.
Pluxar edited Steps To Reproduce on T114727: Unpacking ammo unpacks more then it should.
Pluxar edited Steps To Reproduce on T114726: Can't sort out ruined ammo.
Pluxar added a comment to T114625: Shotguns do no damage to arms or legs.
I tested the IZH-18 shotgun as well and it's the same story, gfycat link:
Pluxar added a comment to T114625: Shotguns do no damage to arms or legs.
Sweet thanks!
Pluxar edited Steps To Reproduce on T114625: Shotguns do no damage to arms or legs.
Pluxar edited Steps To Reproduce on T109898: Attaching Gun Holster to Plate Carrier w/ Pouches deletes everything in the pouches.
Pluxar edited Steps To Reproduce on T107474: Suicide gesture = instant actions.