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- User Since
- Mar 27 2013, 1:35 AM (619 w, 3 d)
May 9 2016
If you ask me, I like the way the knife worked in OFP:DR, had to select it out of your inventory to use it, had to left click to slash, and right click to stab, would work imo.
Plus, why are so many people saying having to use knifes in arma is rare? I have been in many situations where I could have stabbed someone in the back, in various Multilayer sessions. Ever strolled in the hills in an MP server, came across a sniper unaware that you are just 3 feet behind him? It happened to me once while scouting an enemy medical camp in a clan game.
I can't believe how many idiots are on this page. On both sides of the argument. I mean some people have valid points, on both sides, but the majority of the down voters are complete fucking morons, and some of the up voters are too. I'm not even going to get into why i think they are idiots, because that would take me hours to write.
I also support this request, It's a shame that this should even be a debate, but even if they don't add em in, BIS should at-least make it so female civilians can use guns, then we can just change their uniform and faction easily.