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- User Since
- Sep 25 2013, 4:25 AM (597 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Added 3 more from yesterday. (Breaking Point, newhaven map) Hope that helps.
Do you need client dumps? I've got several from today.
Lately I have been noticing (playing Sa Matra Wasteland Altis v8 mission) that I'm getting freezes where the audio and VON still seem to work, but graphics are frozen. Sometimes it lasts a second or two until everything comes back fine, other times it freezes and once I alt-tab I see that ARMA 3 has crashed. I didn't take exact notes so these crashes may not be attributable to PhysX3_x86 module like the others, but I'll try note that next time and provide specific dumps for those instances in a separate bug report.
Same issue here:
Keep reporting these crashes and upload all the rpt and dumps you have!
For posterity, here is video evidence from a mission that was using the MCC sandbox mission creator:
Have personally experienced this issue several times on a dedicated server. Got my vote!
More crashes from tonight. Each with dump files. Several users on the server experienced crashes at the same time, but not everyone was in, near, or even had visual on a vehicle, although the crashes all seem to happen when a vehicle is taking damage.
Welp, a few more crashes last night. One crash actually affected everyone on the server, not sure if it's the one that generated the dumps or not, but there is one set of dumps included in this zip, with new rpt files:
We were on a custom mission with roughly 10 players - I was driving a Panther that got hit by AT. Most everyone had bailed and were within about 20m of the Panther. Within 10 seconds of the Marshall being destroyed (me and the gunner dead, laying on the ground next to it, as we were the only ones left inside when it was destroyed) everyone crashed.. Some clients froze, others crashed to desktop (as did I). The server apparently stayed running but went back to mission selection because everyone had to restart the game.
I'm also uploading a new dxdiag, this time not run from RDP, sorry about that. Ignore the previous dxdiag.
Oops.. ignore the dxdiag.txt, I ran it while logged in via remote desktop so it shows no sound device and the remote desktop video driver. Not sure how to remove it, but I will upload a new one once I get home.
There were no .mdpm or .bidmp in the folder with the .rpt files. I'm guessing that is out of the ordinary?
FYI - Played an hour or two last night, on multiplayer, same map I experienced crashes on before. I was in and out of vehicles with no crash. Only change being updated PhysX system software.
Also, sorry I keep forgetting to re-run the dxdiag. Will do that tonight for sure, and continue to play to see if I get any more crashes.
I have this issue as well, previously with my Logitech G35. and exact same issue with my Logitech G930 (same headset, one is just wireless).
The ambient noises like wind/ocean etc. seem to skip and studder. Some other noises like crickets, etc seem to play in the wrong sampling rate (crickets sound like static).
If I switch to stereo, most of the problems go away but it's still not great.
May 9 2016
Added 4 crash reports ( from a game yesterday where Arma started crashing. Not running dev branch. Crashed 4 times within a matter of an hour or two. No rhyme or reason to the crashes, some happened quickly after starting the game, some after 30-45 minutes of play. In vehicle/helo, on the ground, looking through a scope.. cannot seem to reproduce it on demand.