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User Since
Dec 30 2013, 7:11 PM (586 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

OneOverX added a comment to T91141: Game randomly crashes while running through game.

Having the same issue. Started randomly a couple of days ago after 30 hours played with no issues. Textures load very slowly and after a few minutes in game the screen goes black and my desktop displays. I then have to minimize DayZ and force close it.

Using a 770 (NVidia) with 331.82 drivers (just updated them, was having same issue with previous drivers)
AMD Phenom II 1090T Black Edition

No overclocking being done.

May 10 2016, 5:56 PM · DayZ
OneOverX added a comment to T86477: Client minimizes on start and can't bring up. about 3 hours of play out of my clean install and the issue has now started up again.

May 10 2016, 1:10 PM · DayZ
OneOverX added a comment to T86477: Client minimizes on start and can't bring up.

I resolved this issue for myself after performing a clean install of the game.

May 10 2016, 1:10 PM · DayZ