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OliverKay (Oliver)


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User Since
Jul 15 2016, 12:01 AM (454 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 31 2017

OliverKay added a comment to T125241: Ambient daylight is still going through walls.

Hello Geez, would there be the possibility of a workaround like mapping all interiors and exclude them from global illumination and only make windows the source of light for those areas?

May 31 2017, 6:07 PM · DayZ
OliverKay changed Severity from severity:major to severity:minor on T125241: Ambient daylight is still going through walls.
May 31 2017, 11:10 AM · DayZ
OliverKay changed Severity from severity:trivial to severity:major on T125241: Ambient daylight is still going through walls.
May 31 2017, 2:07 AM · DayZ
OliverKay created T125241: Ambient daylight is still going through walls.
May 31 2017, 1:57 AM · DayZ
OliverKay added a comment to T119416: Light going through walls.

I would like this to be reopened. As the fixes are not what I mean. I was looking for Sparse Voxel Octree Total Illumination support: this would give the following improvement

May 31 2017, 1:46 AM · DayZ
OliverKay added a watcher for DayZ: OliverKay.
May 31 2017, 1:40 AM

Aug 9 2016

OliverKay added a comment to T119416: Light going through walls.

I am a bit confused about the status since you reopened it again. Would it be possible to see a picture how a windowless corridor looks like in the internal build?

Aug 9 2016, 6:30 AM · DayZ

Jul 15 2016

OliverKay created T119416: Light going through walls.
Jul 15 2016, 12:14 AM · DayZ