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Mar 5 2013, 3:46 PM (627 w, 23 h)

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May 10 2016

Noodle added a comment to T65949: Ballistic penetration for armor (MBT & APC...maybe all vehicles?) and situational awareness..


I'm afraid that ACE3 is just speculation at this point, but there is certainly demand for it as Bohemia have (rightly) made a sequel to ArmA 2, not ACE2. The ACE-playing community still exists and they want things like fully manual artillery, a detailed wound system and MOA adjustment for sniper rifles; these are things which are not viable without the extra interaction buttons, and they would make the already formidable difficulty curve even more terrifying to new players.

This ticket however, the realistic simulation of armour penetration, would exist in the background and improve the experience for everyone who interacts with tanks.

May 10 2016, 2:21 AM · Arma 3
Noodle added a comment to T65949: Ballistic penetration for armor (MBT & APC...maybe all vehicles?) and situational awareness..

The ACE 2 mod for ArmA 2 adds a pretty good simulation of penetration, as well as things like ERA and slat-armour modules.

Although ACE 3 is certain to bring this feature to ArmA 3, it is one of the many features which I (and I believe most other ACE 2 players) feel is essential to the core game.

ArmA 3 has made huge strides in the infantry department, and it would be a real shame to see other aspects left behind.

May 10 2016, 2:21 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Noodle added a comment to T61310: Decreased game performance within the .40 gun armoredcar.

I was just about to report this myself, but after a little testing it appears that this is purely a Picture-in-Picture issue. Even with PiP on Low, my FPS drops by around 40% regardless of other graphics settings.

I have tested this with a variety of vehicles and settings. If you disable PiP in the Render section of your Video options then your FPS will be back to normal.

May 9 2016, 10:58 PM · Arma 3
Noodle added a comment to T58488: Combination of 'Rendering' Video options causes PC to freeze.

I can confirm that this is a generic issue which can affect many programs and is caused by the Memory Clock aspect of a GPU being too high for the power supplied to it.

If you are having this issue then I would suggest reverting the Memory clock-speed on your GPU to stock. If you are getting this issue but have not over-clocked your GPU, then underclock your GPU Memory Clock by 150-200 MHz.

As this is not a fault with ArmA 3 I believe that this topic can be closed.

May 9 2016, 3:17 PM · Arma 3
Noodle added a comment to T58488: Combination of 'Rendering' Video options causes PC to freeze.

I have uploaded the files you requested, please let me know if there is anything else you need.

Something else I have noticed about this freeze: it is only the Editor interface which causes it. If I have my settings as to avoid the issue and then Preview a mission in the Editor, I can put AA and HDR on max in game and play without a problem. If these settings are still on when I exit the Preview and go back to the Editor interface then the game will freeze.

May 9 2016, 3:17 PM · Arma 3
Noodle edited Steps To Reproduce on T58488: Combination of 'Rendering' Video options causes PC to freeze.
May 9 2016, 3:17 PM · Arma 3