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Aug 23 2014, 1:25 PM (551 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

Neurax edited Steps To Reproduce on T102991: Most of experimental server are not working properly / it wont let you connect.
May 11 2016, 12:48 AM · DayZ
Neurax added a comment to T102711: Zombies Overpowered With Epic Sensing From 30 Miles Away Powers.

*Spoiler Alert*

Try running in circles.. they wont be able to hit you.

May 11 2016, 12:38 AM · DayZ
Neurax added a comment to T102620: Avoid Zombies strikes/punches with circling-strafe.

This thread is not about killing zombies what so ever.

May 11 2016, 12:35 AM · DayZ
Neurax added a comment to T102620: Avoid Zombies strikes/punches with circling-strafe.

I know that the navmesh has to do with path finding. I am not talking about the path finding nor how to kill the zombies.The Zombie targeting system is flawed. Like i said you can have 1 or even 10 Zed on you but by simply running in circle all of their attacks will miss you.

Every zombie should be a challenge to a certain extent but it is really not the case right now. Why waste ammunition on a zombie when you can just run in circles and use your fists to put him down.

Hopefully, has you said, Dev will introduce the real zombies. But other then the path-finding i have not seen any information towards a modification on the zombie targeting system and this explains why i created this report.

May 11 2016, 12:35 AM · DayZ
Neurax edited Steps To Reproduce on T102620: Avoid Zombies strikes/punches with circling-strafe.
May 11 2016, 12:35 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Neurax added a comment to T89012: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high.

I agree dying from a 5 feet fall is ridiculous. But i still think that the more weight you have on your back the easier it would be to hurt yourself or break your legs.. So before they implement anything regarding the weight of the gear the player is carrying i think it should stay the way it is.. if not it will end up like counter-strike with players jumping from roof tops spraying and doing head shots ;)

The only time i died from falling was when the ladders where bugged.

May 10 2016, 4:42 PM · DayZ
Neurax added a comment to T89012: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high.

Well u are not only carrying a back pack.. but a main weapon a side weapon and a melee weapon... plus food water and the clothing.. soldiers are carrying between 50 to 100 pounds of stuff depending on the type of infantry... so yes 40-50 KILO makes sens..

Some backpack goes up to 85 liters.. and i think the one in dayz is something around 60-65 liters (mountain one).. An empty ak-47 is about 10 pounds.. so it adds up quickly.

Impossible to do any parcour in those conditions, unless you are running around with a screwdriver or a kitchen knife.

May 10 2016, 4:42 PM · DayZ
Neurax added a comment to T89012: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high.

You guyz seem to forget that you are probably carring 50 kilo of stuff on your back...You may break your leg or atleast twist it even if its only a 2 meter height fall.. but dying is a bit too much. So i guess depending on how much you are carrying it should influence how much damage you are taking when falling. So no up vote from me.

May 10 2016, 4:42 PM · DayZ