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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 10:02 PM (625 w, 1 d)
Jul 29 2019
Jul 29 2019
NeZz_DK added a comment to T127844: 0xC0000409 - STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN.
This also happend to me today, while flying around Levonia in a chopper put in through the editor, no other units where on the map, and I was in the singleplayer editor,
flight time was around 10 minutes.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
NeZz_DK added a comment to T79502: pressing "Toggle raise weapon" or "raise weapon" doesn't raise the weapon while crouched..
ups! tried to search for it but didn't succeed in finding the other report of the issue.
NeZz_DK edited Steps To Reproduce on T79502: pressing "Toggle raise weapon" or "raise weapon" doesn't raise the weapon while crouched..
NeZz_DK added a comment to T71307: It would be useful to have a setting for 3 x 16:9 monitors in the aspect ratio list.
this is a duplicate of #12696
NeZz_DK edited Steps To Reproduce on T71055: Add extra aspect ratio options to the dropdown in the video configuration..
NeZz_DK added a comment to T67810: flag owner does not have a visible flag attached to his body.
this is the first report of the issue but the other issue #0011119 has a lot more votes, so I would suggest joining them together to get BIS to fix this.
NeZz_DK added a comment to T65927: [Suggestion] Add true 21:9 screen support.
this is a duplicate of #0012696
I tried to gather all the new options in one issue.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
NeZz_DK added a comment to T58407: [Alpha] and [Alpha Lite] - Missing parts of Tunas body.
I also spotted holes in the tuna after it died, I uploaded a screenshot.