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User Since
May 25 2019, 6:34 PM (302 w, 3 d)

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May 27 2019

My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

I have read that part, although when BE really says "no VMs" then it would be certainly interesting to see how they are gonna try and stop that.

May 27 2019, 8:40 PM · DayZ
My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

well playing devils advocate, there IS a point in killing VMs from an anticheat perspective, although obviously shadow,, GFN and the others are basically just being hit by the stray bullets, but at the same time also kinda not, let me explain.

May 27 2019, 8:27 PM · DayZ
My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

well but the question is whether or not the dev/publisher maybe at least thinks about changing the anti cheat.

May 27 2019, 3:03 PM · DayZ

May 26 2019

My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

I can see why battle eye doesnt want to do VMs like aimbots can be fun because the gues runs the game and the host gets the screen plus give inputs which would be undetectable but on the other hand one could in theory also do that with a hardware box that plugs into your GPU for graphics and a USB for input.

May 26 2019, 6:53 PM · DayZ
My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

@Allantheking the dayz people could just opt for a different anti cheat which could also solve the issue.

May 26 2019, 6:39 PM · DayZ

May 25 2019

My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

Honestly I don't see much point on playing heavy games on an average vserver especially since those usually aren't that great in the gpu department especially as they are usually not made for gaming but rather being servers hosting stuff like websites or whatever.

May 25 2019, 8:10 PM · DayZ
My1 added a comment to T139698: Failled to install Battleye service.

I don't believe this has anything to do with using Shadow PC. A Shadow PC is just a remote PC you log onto and use like a server. It runs just like a normal PC it is not an emulator (Mac running Boot Camp Windows etc), so if this were to be true then everybody that rents a private server would be screwed too.

May 25 2019, 6:41 PM · DayZ