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- User Since
- Mar 30 2015, 5:32 PM (517 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
MrxBath set Category to category:featurerequest on T110217: Lock doors from inside without lockpick.
MrxBath added a comment to T109875: Spawn with a Lighter instead of Flashlight.
This would be great... It would solve the start-game problems that ward off most new players. Much more realistic to start with a lighter instead of a flashlight. Also matches are somewhat scarce.
MrxBath added a comment to T109384: randomly lock doors on server-restart.
This would be great! It would add some variation to the looting aspect.
MrxBath added a comment to T109028: Add Tree Climbing?! Thought Appreciated.
Ability to climb trees would definitely diversify gameplay, and it's kind of a rarity in games. It would give a nice needed breath from zombies, but wait too long and you'll attract a pack...