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- User Since
- May 3 2014, 5:20 PM (565 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Morlly edited Additional Information on T97679: Crossbow not firing and bolts disappearing..
Morlly set Category to category:aibehavior on T97678: Invisible zombie.
Morlly added a comment to T97677: crossbow bolts disappear when "empty ammo".
I had a similiar problem with bolts disapearing.
Morlly added a comment to T97664: Invisible Zombies.
Same happend for me. I could hear the zombie but it was invisible and killed me very fast with about 3 punches(i was standing up/running).
This happend when i was healthy.
Morlly added a comment to T86784: Invisible zombies.
Confirmed. Got 3-shotted while i was trying to run away from an invisible zombie. At this point i had healthy status.