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User Details
- User Since
- Sep 13 2013, 9:44 PM (602 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Moonwayfarer edited Steps To Reproduce on T81903: Possibility to set default settings of multiplayer game right in editor.
Moonwayfarer set Category to category:featurerequest on T81902: JUMP.
Moonwayfarer edited Steps To Reproduce on T81901: Healing animation.
Moonwayfarer added a comment to T73562: Houses, you're drunk (Some houses on Stratis are a bit in air).
It was on server. On the original map there're no houses. My bad.
Moonwayfarer added a comment to T73562: Houses, you're drunk (Some houses on Stratis are a bit in air).
I need to sleep... STRATIS. Not Altis :D
Moonwayfarer added a comment to T73562: Houses, you're drunk (Some houses on Stratis are a bit in air).
Forgot the 8. Sorry.
Moonwayfarer edited Steps To Reproduce on T73562: Houses, you're drunk (Some houses on Stratis are a bit in air).
Moonwayfarer edited Steps To Reproduce on T73552: Rear view screen doesn't work correctly in the darkness.
Moonwayfarer added a comment to T73512: Autoclimb ladders option.
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