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- User Since
- Feb 20 2015, 1:53 AM (526 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Master385 added a comment to T115573: Offroad and Bus not able to move and shivering when attaching wheels. 0.59.131009.
Same issue here, noticed it yesterday. First Lada I was unable to move, trembles and shakes, my friend was able to move it first try, I could drive after that. After server restart having same issue. On a different server, second Lada I fixed up and was able to drive but after parking it and logging off/on Lada is stuck. Multiple server restarts later I still cannot move either.
Master385 set Category to category:items on T111868: Stepping over small fence.
Master385 set Category to category:items on T111866: Clothing is stacking.
Master385 added a comment to T108102: Unable to launch game from Steam.
What I get when I press "play" in steam:
DayZ: DayZ.exe Application Error
The instruction at 0x00d1b2e2 referenced memory at 0x00000000
The memory could not be read
Click on OK to terminate the program
This all started today 2/19/15 I assume after the update.