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User Details
- User Since
- Jul 31 2014, 1:02 AM (553 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
ManoloVT edited Steps To Reproduce on T104776: Jumps on the aim.
ManoloVT added a comment to T102626: Introduce Gun Jamming.
the game have these 10 y old kids who are all the time killing bambis, the PVP are great when you are in a big group, and you know is another clan who have better stuff than the yours, and can be a long and interesting funny figth, and sure will be more interesting if the weapon jamming is added to the game, 1 Vote up (sorry for the bad english)
ManoloVT added a comment to T101791: inventory slots are not accessable sometimes.
this bug is since 0.45, but now in 0.47 is a real problem
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
ManoloVT added a comment to T101227: Fps go down without reason.
i oc my gpu and put de game in potato mode, and doenst help, and i can play my other games fine, thinking the problem is the game
ManoloVT edited Steps To Reproduce on T101227: Fps go down without reason.
ManoloVT added a comment to T100469: Unintentionally throwing.
thats happend to me twice, is really breaking, they maybe gonna fix this up on the hotfix