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User Since
Mar 6 2015, 9:56 PM (524 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 19 2016

Malunity added a watcher for DayZ: Malunity.
Jun 19 2016, 6:07 AM

May 11 2016

Malunity added a comment to T109483: put Stakes in the ground to mark terretory.

Ooooh, creative, I love it.

May 11 2016, 4:47 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T109471: Human Skin Backpack*stuffed*.

Oh god... that's nasty... xD

May 11 2016, 4:46 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T109464: Shaking without a cold or freeze stat.

Hey, I have the same issue, If you talking about raising a gun, the gun does this vicious shaking and It's hard to aim. It's actually not shaking because It's cold, It's shaking because of the pain meter glitch, consume painkillers and see if that works.

May 11 2016, 4:46 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T109447: Gun Is Twitching Like A Cannibal, Never Had Anything To Cause Brain Disease..

Okay, I will try and keep you updated, thanks for responding.

May 11 2016, 4:45 AM · DayZ
Malunity edited Steps To Reproduce on T109447: Gun Is Twitching Like A Cannibal, Never Had Anything To Cause Brain Disease..
May 11 2016, 4:45 AM · DayZ
Malunity edited Steps To Reproduce on T109390: If The Server Starts Raining While You're In A V3S, You're Character Will Still Get Soaked..
May 11 2016, 4:43 AM · DayZ
Malunity set Category to category:featurerequest on T109297: Add Ability To Hide Private/Public servers..
May 11 2016, 4:40 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T109296: New clothing idea for DayZ Standalone..

I like the idea, It would be a nice touch to the game.

May 11 2016, 4:40 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T109283: Hacker killing people with explosions.

Hey dude, we were on the same server last night, the hacker hit Kamyshovo before going to elektro, He blew up the entire town and targeted me, but for some reason only my shoes got ruined. He started for elektro after that, and I warned anybody who spawned in Kamy to leave the server.

May 11 2016, 4:40 AM · DayZ
Malunity set Category to category:featurerequest on T109244: Adding Different Kind Of Craftable Clothing To DayZ.
May 11 2016, 4:38 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T109069: Hackers. Hackers everywhere. Boink! You are dead. Rage. Sadness..

Where to begin here...
Hackers are in every type of game, some more common than others, the game is in early alpha, which focuses on adding new things to the game rather than focusing on bugs, fps, and usually hackers. Hacks are usually fixed before a new update, so you can work from that.

"Dean left and I am unhappy. H1Z1 stole some players and I am unhappy. But hackers are present and will drive the rest of your less loyal players and potential market away."

False, H1Z1 stole very little of the community, infact, I don't see the point in buying a game that will be f2p when it's out of alpha, DayZ and H1Z1 are different games in their own aspect, I'll leave it to you for finding out the rest.

"1: Go to Cherno or Electro.
2: Mind your own business.
3: Wait to be killed by a sweaty virgin.
4: Rage.
5: Type angrily in direct chat.
6: Start a new character, go back to step 1."

I can solve this problem, stay away from Cherno and Elektro maybe?

May 11 2016, 4:32 AM · DayZ
Malunity edited Additional Information on T108982: My Ideas For Future Updates..
May 11 2016, 4:29 AM · DayZ
Malunity edited Steps To Reproduce on T108922: When hitting another truck, their is a random chance you will be launched 1,000 feet into the air..
May 11 2016, 4:27 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T108806: Lost Connection to server while climbing ladder, died because of it..

Hello Geez, thank you for responding.
I am glad to hear that the issue has been schedule for a fix, It's nice to see that you guys care, hopefully the glitch will become a thing of the past thanks to you guys.

May 11 2016, 4:23 AM · DayZ
Malunity edited Steps To Reproduce on T108806: Lost Connection to server while climbing ladder, died because of it..
May 11 2016, 4:23 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T108804: Infected Hordes.

I agree with you, but instead of just a group of 20, there should be groups that are smaller than others, like 5 in some, 10 in others, and have the hordes near areas where gear is common, it would be a really cool feature to the game.
Great idea, Hengist!

May 11 2016, 4:23 AM · DayZ
Malunity added a comment to T108652: Loosing items when reloggin due to rearanged iventory.

The problem is when the server restarts around the same minute you organize that backpack, the problem exists when switching servers, the server reset doesn't remember what happens during losing connection to the server. And deletes the item.

May 11 2016, 4:18 AM · DayZ