User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Mar 9 2015, 4:51 PM (516 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Magmalation set Category to category:server on T112037: Server admin abuse..
Magmalation added a comment to T109368: Teleported to an unconstructed map..
On another note if you can't move the character that's fine. The actual reason for this ticket is just to notify you of the truck teleportation if it flips in a creek. But if you do have the ability to move it i'd appreciate it :)
Magmalation added a comment to T109368: Teleported to an unconstructed map..
Hello once again Jstewart :) ,
The server ip is :
Port : 2502
It's a password protected server incase you can't bypass the password protection i would rather send you a PM with the password since it's a sub-only server of Fairlight_Excalibur and KDWolf.
Magmalation set Category to category:playerstuck on T109368: Teleported to an unconstructed map..
Magmalation added a comment to T108884: Spawnpoint inside a rock..
Here is my steam profile link
Magmalation added a comment to T108884: Spawnpoint inside a rock..
Hello JStewart,
Unfortunately my character starved to death so there isn't much more info i can provide .
Magmalation set Category to category:playerstuck on T108884: Spawnpoint inside a rock..