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Spawnpoint inside a rock.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Dear DayZ Dev team,

I just died in Cherno and then respawned unfortunately the respawn was probably near a rock or on top of it. Anyhow i managed to spawn inside the rock. I don't mind wasting a bit of time on starving to death for another spawn but i thought i should give you a heads up. I have attached a screenshot for you in order to find out where this spawn is. I for one have no clue, hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,

Dylan Dantoint

PS: Thank you for all your efforts that you put into this game i love it and it is by far my favorite game. {F31255}


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Magmalation set Category to category:playerstuck.Mar 9 2015, 5:20 PM
Magmalation set Reproducibility to Random.
Magmalation set Severity to None.
Magmalation set Resolution to Duplicate.
Magmalation set Legacy ID to 2619716600.May 8 2016, 9:51 PM

Hello Magmalation,

Thanks for sending in this info. In case your character is still stuck, just send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll have a look at it. Example: ""

This way we can also cross check if this location has already been filed based on the coordinates from your character.


Hello JStewart,

Unfortunately my character starved to death so there isn't much more info i can provide .


Alright. Still, if you can provide a link for your Steam profile, I'll check the location of the dead character.

I checked just to be sure, and the same spot has been reported in ticket #21929, so the team is aware of that spawn point. Regardless though; thanks a lot for helping us out Magmalation!!
