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Teleported to an unconstructed map.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Dear Dayz Devs,

Today I drove a truck and flipped it in a little creek. Then when the truck flipped it glitched out and teleported into a 'different' map as I would call it. I am stuck here with my character and cannot get out except for suiciding.The character is still alive as i decided to leave it for now for this ticket.

Link to my steam profile: (includes screenshot in my profile)

Yours sincerely,

Dylan Dantoint


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Have Not Tried

Event Timeline

Magmalation set Category to category:playerstuck.Mar 24 2015, 4:04 AM
Magmalation set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Magmalation set Severity to None.
Magmalation set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
Magmalation set Legacy ID to 1936029161.May 8 2016, 10:02 PM

Hello Magmalation,

Sorry to hear about your trouble. Do you by any chance have the ip + port numbers from the server where your character is stuck (just so I'm sure of the character that has to be moved)?


Hello once again Jstewart :) ,

The server ip is :
Port : 2502

It's a password protected server incase you can't bypass the password protection i would rather send you a PM with the password since it's a sub-only server of Fairlight_Excalibur and KDWolf.

On another note if you can't move the character that's fine. The actual reason for this ticket is just to notify you of the truck teleportation if it flips in a creek. But if you do have the ability to move it i'd appreciate it :)

Thanks for sending in that info. I was now able to move your character, so he should be all fine. We'll see if the bug can be reproduced on our end.

Geez added a comment.Mar 26 2015, 4:41 PM

Hello Magmalation.
We have tested the issue you have described thoroughly but we were not able to reproduce the issue on our end. Please retest once new patch hits Steam and report back to us in case the issue re-appears.