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Mar 14 2013, 2:34 AM (627 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

LordUmbra added a comment to T63151: Alpha keys can't play multiplayer.

Yes people, I've already aquiesced that this was not the place to post this, but I should think it's pretty obvious that this was a rage post. I clearly wasn't thinking very well when I posted this and if I could I would take it down and post it in the proper place. But my point still remains. These alpha invites are a joke.

May 10 2016, 12:31 AM · Arma 3
LordUmbra added a comment to T63151: Alpha keys can't play multiplayer.

Ok you have a good point there, this isn't really the place for this. Unfortunately it's up now and I can't really take it down. I obviously didn't get the memo that the alpha invites we recieved wouldn't have access to the multiplayer, but then why call them alpha invites at all since all the content right now is in the multiplayer? It's really just a demo, not a true alpha invite.

And in response to the hacking point you brought up, that's a pretty dumb way of looking at it honestly. Hackers are pretty much already running rampant. And taking away the ability for people who either don't have a lot of money to put towards games, or people who want to check out the game before they buy it, to actually play the game will make them much less likely to buy this game.

And to add another point, the steam description of the alpha invites mentions nothing about the fact that they will only be able to play the showcases. "3 Alpha Lite Invites (not yet available) – Introduce your friends to Arma 3 by inviting them to the free invite-only Arma 3 Alpha Lite (available from March 14, 2013 until June 18, 2013)." This gave me the impression that I would actually be able to play with the people I gave them to. But that's probably just because I don't really check game websites very often.

P.S. The people I sent my invites to actually decided not to buy the game because they couldn't actually do anything in the alpha lite. They also stated that if they had actually been able to play with me or my other friends and had a good time playing it they would have likely bought it.

May 10 2016, 12:31 AM · Arma 3
LordUmbra edited Steps To Reproduce on T63151: Alpha keys can't play multiplayer.
May 10 2016, 12:31 AM · Arma 3
LordUmbra edited Steps To Reproduce on T63028: Cutting through fences.
May 10 2016, 12:27 AM · Arma 3