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User Details
- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 1:43 AM (580 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
LordOpeth set Category to category:items on T97092: Floating Loot.
LordOpeth set Category to category:performance on T97091: Changing to another server.
LordOpeth set Category to category:performance on T97090: Exiting server going back to lobby.
LordOpeth added a comment to T88534: Selecting inventory with tab causes mouse cursor to jump to a secondary screen...
Definitely. The mouse also does this when you hit esc. It seems when you hit it DayZ's window loses focus and you can mouse over like if you were sitting on the desktop.
LordOpeth set Category to category:ingameui on T88534: Selecting inventory with tab causes mouse cursor to jump to a secondary screen...
LordOpeth set Category to category:items on T86629: Consumed food not removed from inventory (0% food items).
LordOpeth set Category to category:performance on T86627: Changing to another server.
LordOpeth set Category to category:performance on T86625: Exiting server going back to lobby.
LordOpeth set Category to category:movement on T86624: Zombies not using stairs. Stuck in floor.
LordOpeth set Category to category:items on T86623: Floating Loot.