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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 1:34 AM (626 w, 22 h)
Jun 8 2020
Jun 8 2020
Kremator added a comment to T151552: Game Crashes when I boot or Load into any Server.
I have also encountered this. Steps to reproduce on 64bit executable. In editor create a soldier, place down zeus gamemaster, start scenario. Place a blufor pawnee (any helo will do it) and, pressing alt change the altitude of the chopper to make it fly. Immediate crash with the access_violation. This does NOT happen with the 32bit executable.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kremator added a comment to T74440: No way to modify gravity.
Upvoted. I don;t why anyone would vote against it, for modding purposes.
Looks like the tracker is full of noobs (sigh)
Kremator added a comment to T72028: Implement new AI control system.
Seriously, some people voting against it that don't have the courage to say WHY they don't like the idea?