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- User Since
- Oct 8 2015, 4:41 AM (493 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Upon further inspection it seems this can be replicated in a lot of elevated corners when logging out. I tend to stand with my back in a corner upstairs in buildings when finishing up for the night and more often than not log back in to find myself in a wall on the ground level.
Upon further inspection it seems this can be replicated in a lot of elevated corners when logging out. I tend to stand with my back in a corner upstairs in buildings when finishing up for the night and more often than not log back in to find myself in a wall on the ground level.
From what I hear tonight was the result of some sort of attacks or at least that's what is going around. You are definitely not alone with a lot of players reporting character wipes in the last 8 hours.
Characters get lost all the time for myriads of reasons. The disclaimer before you play the game warns of this. You cannot get attached to your gear while the game is still in development. And yes, you should expect to lose your player and stuff every couple of months for the foreseeable future. Especially with every patch that comes out and sometimes, possibly, during weekly maintenance's or hot-fixes.
At least I do;
The game is barely halfway finished. In just under 300 hours I've easily lost half a dozen geared characters to silly bugs or issues. It's just a part of development so it doesn't happen on release.
As for a solution. Well probably won't like it but there is nothing wrong with putting the game on the shelf for a few months and returning when it is a bit more polished. At least you've saved some money for the future.
EDIT: Always make sure to stay on public hives to ensure maximum safety for your characters. Apart from the above mentioned mislabeled servers you are in the best place to maintain characters and gear. I know I thought I lost characters before only to find them a couple of weeks later by visiting a private one by accident.
May 10 2016
@TheAmazingAussie Well I have an Intel i5 4690k/gtx 970 also and that is getting nearly mirrored performance to the FX-8350/r9 290x on exactly the same settings so I don't think it is a case of brand not being able to handle the game.
Just AMD users have to be a little bit more dilligent with how many processes are running in the background.
Yeah I think this is a universal issue in the game and not depending on the PC power. I have an FX-8350 and even tried it at OC to 4500mhz (liquid cooling) and ran with r9 290x and gtx 970 jetsream as I have both and both have similar performance of 17-33 in cities. Countryside I can get 100+ easy.
Best tip for fps I ever had is view distance, shadows off or low and scene complexity lowered to whatever your pc is handling. Or wait until a few more patches. :)