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- User Since
- Nov 3 2014, 5:41 AM (539 w, 1 d)
Nov 11 2016
Nov 11 2016
Koffeekage added a comment to T121192: Barrels disappearing during loot cleanup cycle.
the barrel i found has moved back and forth between where i found it and where i moved it, the contents are still there. this is over the course of a few hours ill check back later to see if it ceases to exist.
Jun 19 2016
Jun 19 2016
Koffeekage added a comment to T118081: Spawning naked/losing gear after relogging.
no i was out in the open and no other long arm
Koffeekage added a comment to T118081: Spawning naked/losing gear after relogging.
i have experienced this bug for the first time today, i only had my ak74 with scope and a single round in the chamber, the suppressor, forearm, bipod, magazine and collapsible buttstock were all gone, components that could be painted were painted green.
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Koffeekage edited Steps To Reproduce on T111334: Cooking Fish.
Koffeekage added a comment to T109722: Persistence not working correctly. Tents disappearing..
it happpend twice to me today after server reset lost my whole campground which was basically in that tent
Koffeekage added a comment to T107823: Add additional parameters to food and drinks.
adding calories would be nice too.
Koffeekage edited Steps To Reproduce on T104892: Colored female zombies superpowerful..