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User Since
Jul 27 2013, 6:46 PM (605 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 2 2016

K1CKA55 removed a watcher for DayZ: K1CKA55.
Jun 2 2016, 5:41 AM

Jun 1 2016

K1CKA55 updated the task description for T117083: Rain not syncing between clients.
Jun 1 2016, 8:15 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T117083: Rain not syncing between clients.

Hard to reproduce due to few servers and difficulty to get into them.

Jun 1 2016, 8:11 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 created T117083: Rain not syncing between clients.
Jun 1 2016, 8:10 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a watcher for DayZ: K1CKA55.
Jun 1 2016, 8:07 PM

May 10 2016

K1CKA55 edited Steps To Reproduce on T99967: Fireplace "eats" items.
May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:items on T99966: Green tent dont spawn loot.
May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:items on T99965: Hilux Husk spawn no loot.
May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:controls on T93466: Going Aim Down Sight make TrackIR's profile accelrated and the head is uncontrollable.
May 10 2016, 7:19 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:weapons on T93336: Emptying out a magazine cause you to loose some of that ammo.
May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:weapons on T87762: [Suggestion] Environment detection for bipod deployment.
May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T87263: Headtorch is missdirected.

Doesn't seem to be a bug but just a way to configure the headtorch would be great if you could "Zero" de torch up nad down

May 10 2016, 3:30 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T87253: Emptying 7.62 mm 20 rounds, confusing message.

Make sure the ammo is on your character otherwise the ammo might dissappear

May 10 2016, 3:30 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T87244: All my servers are nighttime..

Servers are locked to EU time. So if you are east coast and want to play day time play after 3am

May 10 2016, 3:29 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T87239: Lagswitch.

Don't see a realistic way to counter this at the moment without putting people with not so stable connections at a serious disadvantage. You always want to leave some room on connection drops. Maybe they could see if the network plug was pulled since windows has a built in value to monitor that.

May 10 2016, 3:29 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:controls on T87230: Bipod and compass binding.
May 10 2016, 3:29 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 set Category to category:controls on T87229: Flashlight does not turn on with keybinding neither does the headtorch.
May 10 2016, 3:28 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T86833: Hunger/Thirst/Stamina Rate Too High [PRIMARY REPORT].

This needs to be changed so that if they want a full day night cycle 24h. is that make the drink and food requirements realistic a fullday without food without repercussions 3 days without severely being limited in mobility. 6-10 hours without a drink depending on how active your character is. Find a way to balance it because finding food and drink at night is bitch without turning gamma up and ruining the immersion and benefit of NVGs

May 10 2016, 2:47 PM · DayZ
K1CKA55 added a comment to T86488: Weapon drawing mostly doesn't work the first time.

I've noticed it isn't just guns it is with items aswell i have to spam the keys for a weapon to be equiped. Anything in the hotkey bar seems to be affected

May 10 2016, 1:11 PM · DayZ