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- User Since
- Sep 11 2014, 1:47 AM (549 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
J4se0wns added a comment to T114156: Barrel Persistency not working.
had the same problem today after a restart my camp just got wiped but i had a v3s cargo thats on the same spot on my camp and is still there with items inside it
J4se0wns added a comment to T114151: Tents gone after server restart?.
I had 5 Military tents 10 barrels and a v3s everything got wiped except the v3s with items stored in it on my own server
J4se0wns set Category to category:inventory on T114151: Tents gone after server restart?.
J4se0wns set Category to category:server on T113775: Session lost when walking at own tents.
J4se0wns set Category to category:animations on T105481: Grenade throwing animation killed me.
J4se0wns set Category to category:movement on T104814: Stuck in throwing animation.
J4se0wns set Category to category:glitchabuse on T104561: Report a hacker.
J4se0wns set Category to category:movement on T104488: Suddenly leg broken and your dead when joining server.
J4se0wns set Category to category:glitchabuse on T104109: Hacker dropped my gear and killed me.