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Jul 18 2014, 9:05 AM (556 w, 22 h)

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May 11 2016

Hijack1972 added a comment to T107156: DayZ does not work with Nvidia Optimus and GTX 980M.

Thanks for the comments guys. To answer them in brief:

You can not disable the on board graphics as the optimus tech is built in and not a bolt on.

Halogen seems to be having the same issues as myself in that you just CAN NOT disable the tech.

Franzuu - unfortunately putting what you have written into launch options prevents DayZ from running at all. I have tried it with more / less / different spacing but to no avail. Is there a way to force DayZ's resolution?

The problem is still there:(

May 11 2016, 3:27 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T107156: DayZ does not work with Nvidia Optimus and GTX 980M.

Thanks mate but his was not quite the same issue. He was having a problem with the settings not saving in the Nvidia experience app and therefore allgames were running on the on board graphics. Mine is everything else runs fine, it is only DayZ that wont switch the graphics over.

May 11 2016, 3:27 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 set Category to category:hardwareissues on T107156: DayZ does not work with Nvidia Optimus and GTX 980M.
May 11 2016, 3:27 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T107156: DayZ does not work with Nvidia Optimus and GTX 980M.

Sorry game version is 0.52 not 0.51

May 11 2016, 3:27 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 set Category to category:weapons on T105821: Mosin wrap no longer craftable.
May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105820: When scoping with mosin the scope shake is incredibly rapid and constant.
May 11 2016, 2:36 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T105578: crash every 10 minute.

Vote this up guys. Crashing for everyone I know

May 11 2016, 2:26 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T105573: game crashes.

I am crashing out at random points. There does not seem to be a specific action or item causing it. However I did notice many people being kicked by battleeye before my crash. Could this be linked? IE issue with Battleeye that is kicking people for not responding but once kicked it is received as a crash at the user end.

May 11 2016, 2:26 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105326: Medic bags only show partial contents..
May 11 2016, 2:16 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105325: Wells can be drunk from but you can not fill water bottles or canteens..
May 11 2016, 2:16 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105324: Gas lanterns can not be picked up into inventory..
May 11 2016, 2:16 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T102102: Player stuck in rocks to east of Karmanovka.

I am FREEEEEEEEE. No reset needed. An hour of trying and I am out. Thanks anyways.

May 11 2016, 12:17 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T102102: Player stuck in rocks to east of Karmanovka.

Hi Jstewart.

Thanks for your help.

My steam ID is:

My HC ( First Person )character is stuck.

Thanks again

May 11 2016, 12:16 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T102102: Player stuck in rocks to east of Karmanovka.

Managed to slip out of clearing but have now ended up stuck in rocks.

May 11 2016, 12:16 AM · DayZ
Hijack1972 set Category to category:playerstuck on T102102: Player stuck in rocks to east of Karmanovka.
May 11 2016, 12:16 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Hijack1972 set Category to category:weapons on T100736: Pitch fork no longer hitting on down stroke..
May 10 2016, 11:30 PM · DayZ
Hijack1972 added a comment to T100671: new exp build 0.47 freezes for some seconds.

Experiencing the same issue. This is the first experimental I have had this issue on. Game freezes completely for a few seconds with loss of sound. Once it starts again the character has jumped forward as if still running during the freeze. Checked system performance during freeze and everything seems normal with a slight drop in resource use.

May 10 2016, 11:28 PM · DayZ