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Hickfury (Skyler Jones)


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User Since
May 20 2024, 2:16 AM (44 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 3 2024

Hickfury added a comment to T181655: Zombie awareness levels at nighttime. .

Hello again.
Just to clarify.
The infected hearing has been increased for this update. This has been intentional decision by the devs.

Not really sure why such a fundamental change to the game was excluded from the patch notes. Unless I am missing it, no one has even bothered to edit the notes to add this apparent change. For the change itself, it is too much. Zombies need to stay at the level they were in 1.23. Zombies have always been more frustrating to deal with than fun. They have always been buggy and inconsistent in behavior. You guys got to wait till you rework them from the ground up to make any significant changes to them. At the absolute bare minimum you need to make them not be able to hear and see players through walls unless you are full sprinting or get rid of there chance to make you bleed. You could also just make them super frail and die to 1-2 melee hits if you want them hyper aware. We lack any reliable means to distract them, so maybe even that would help. You got to make a trade off somewhere or revert them back to 1.23.

Jun 3 2024, 4:19 PM · DayZ

May 20 2024

Hickfury added a comment to T180098: CE Parameters not working.

@sanguine00 While I cannot speak from the perspective of someone that knows how to work the internal systems. From gameplay alone, you can tell loot is not working how it should be. You said this problem has been around for a while and reported several times. From just a players perspective felt like loot was fine before 1.24. If this was an issue before then, it seems to have been made worse by patch 1.24. I originally thought I have been having either the worst luck possible and in some cases comically good luck, till Sten mentioned this to me and how it makes loot behave in the exact ways I have observed in game. Made everything make perfect sense. Hoping this gets rectified before Shakal is released at the latest. Says Geez switched it to pending to confirmed internally. Gonna assume that actually means they are gonna fix it, but idk how many issue get confirmed internally and still not touched on a regular basis. Feel like this is Hotfix worthy issue, but that is just me.

May 20 2024, 2:52 AM · DayZ