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- User Since
- Dec 27 2013, 5:13 AM (581 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
HLDeadMan edited Steps To Reproduce on T90957: Trees in the distance are shaken too.
HLDeadMan added a comment to T90956: Red Lights on NW airfield.
I know that it for fires. Only why them it isn't visible from the ground in that case?
HLDeadMan edited Steps To Reproduce on T90956: Red Lights on NW airfield.
HLDeadMan added a comment to T89151: Cant use items, open doors, vault or interact with anything.
I live in Russia and the same hogwash. When I run one, average rate (I checked through the program), which is used by game - 50-150 kbit\s. And when I enter in the territory with Loot and other players (I was in Balota) - speed sharply jumps up at first to 500 kbit\s, and then and to 1,3 Mbit\s. Also as well as you any responsiveness from game (doors, inventory). For me and my Internet it is the REAL problem as the monthly traffic is limited!