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- Nov 12 2023, 1:32 AM (68 w, 1 d)
Feb 12 2024
Without access to the source code we will never know. However, this has the tell-tale signs of being the exact same issue, which is the predominant purple/pinkish tint during sunsets and sunrises. It's no surprise many games also have this problem since most implementations are referencing the same few papers which make this approximation. We'll just have to wait for confirmation from the developers.
Feb 10 2024
If you read the post I linked in the issue description, the author's solution has considerably higher color accuracy when compared with real-world measurements. The reason why currently the sky looks so purple is not by design - it's a poor numerical approximation. The new parameters were algorithmically chosen to minimize the error against the measurements.
Feb 7 2024
The original thread on the MSFS forums comparing the before and after the tweak was unfortunately taken down. Still, I found some comparison images:
@Osdaeus The suggested tweak makes the atmosphere color objectively more realistic with measurements to back it up. Unless you want DayZ to take place in Planet Barbie, I think we should opt for the more realistic look.