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- User Since
- Jan 13 2016, 9:57 AM (477 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Georg_Ravioli edited Additional Information on T86223: Workshop "Updating" Up-to-Date mods.
Georg_Ravioli added a comment to T86223: Workshop "Updating" Up-to-Date mods.
Yes, I'm running mods. The mods aren't causing an issue with the game itself, I believe it's the workshop. Again, it's re-downloading all 21 GB of workshop mods, even though they are already up-to-date and in the correct folder.
This may be a Steam/workshop issue, but I thought I'd check here first in case anyone has any info.
Georg_Ravioli set Category to category:campaignepisode2:adapt on T85734: Cannot begin mission "Within Reach"; stuck at briefing area.
Georg_Ravioli added a comment to T85734: Cannot begin mission "Within Reach"; stuck at briefing area.
It seems I've fixed the problem by disabling all mods. I previously only had CBA running, looks like it may have caused a problem with that particular mission.
Sorry to waste your time on this, in the future I'll explore all other options first.