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- User Since
- May 31 2016, 6:54 PM (460 w, 2 d)
Nov 10 2016
Sometimes the doors look like they were opened or closed, but they arent. if you see a "closed" door and come closer to it you may see the symbol for closing the door, which means its actually open. you cant look but walk through them. if you then "close" the door, it will be closed and keep the same look. closing and opening the doors seem to fix this.
Nov 7 2016
Got the same problem with any kind of doors sometimes, but it looks like "rubber banding" for me.
Nov 6 2016
Same problem with 0.61 exp (06.11.2016). ate a lot of stuff and drank maybe 7 times from a well, but i dont get energized or hydrated. the new "status view" in the top right says "high energy" and "healing", but it isnt showed in my inventory beside my char and im not healing. after a server restart my char hasnt been saved which means my position/inventory was the same when i started to play (maybe 1h back).
Jun 17 2016
Tested this on 4-5 servers and got the same problem. cars despawned and also all my barrels close to them. one barrel was placed near a main road and the other in my base in a forest. everything but the "road barrel" despawned.