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Status Bar stops updating
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I am not sure how this happens, however I eat something or drink something and it never updates my status bar, even when bleeding it does not show any messages in chat, or on the status bar that I am bleeding. Hydration and Energy do not update either, have drank from pond until vomiting and still no update or messages.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Unsure, try eating a lot of food.

Event Timeline

ZeekyDeeky set Category to category:items.
ZeekyDeeky set Reproducibility to Random.
ZeekyDeeky set Severity to None.
ZeekyDeeky set Resolution to Open.
ZeekyDeeky set Legacy ID to 1363383913.May 8 2016, 10:42 PM

Same problem with 0.61 exp (06.11.2016). ate a lot of stuff and drank maybe 7 times from a well, but i dont get energized or hydrated. the new "status view" in the top right says "high energy" and "healing", but it isnt showed in my inventory beside my char and im not healing. after a server restart my char hasnt been saved which means my position/inventory was the same when i started to play (maybe 1h back).

Blaerah added a subscriber: Blaerah.Nov 6 2016, 3:30 PM

Same problem, status bar had highwater, highenergy, healing but nothing on the inventory screen. Blood didn't regenerate. Reconnected later, went back to my earlier logout spot and vomited twice with energized and hydrated staying in the inventory screen. Blood started to regenerate.