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- User Since
- Sep 26 2016, 1:42 AM (438 w, 5 d)
Mar 19 2017
Mar 19 2017
GarciaK added a comment to T123855: Arma 3 launcher doesn´t open (an exception ocurred).
You are welcome. Thank you for the support!
GarciaK added a comment to T123855: Arma 3 launcher doesn´t open (an exception ocurred).
Of course, no problem. Is this what you need?
GarciaK added a comment to T123855: Arma 3 launcher doesn´t open (an exception ocurred).
Yes, the launcher opened without problems.
GarciaK added a comment to T123855: Arma 3 launcher doesn´t open (an exception ocurred).
GarciaK added a comment to T123855: Arma 3 launcher doesn´t open (an exception ocurred).
Ok, i did all this procedures but the launcher is still not opening.
GarciaK updated the task description for T123855: Arma 3 launcher doesn´t open (an exception ocurred).
Sep 26 2016
Sep 26 2016
GarciaK updated the task description for T120399: ARMA 3 LAUNCHER EXCEPTION ERROR.
GarciaK edited Steps To Reproduce on T120399: ARMA 3 LAUNCHER EXCEPTION ERROR.
GarciaK removed Operating System Version on T120399: ARMA 3 LAUNCHER EXCEPTION ERROR.